Free download of BVBS Viewer

VIDEO: When you insert the BVBS string for the rebar it appears in the 3D view. When the rebars is shown, it indicates that the export from BIM is performed correctly

BVBS Viewer V 0.1

BuildingPoint Scandinavia have made a BVBS viewer so you visualise rebar geometry. BVBS is exported from BIM design tools such as Tekla and Revit. 

BVBS is the data “language” of rebars. With this viewer you can display the shape of the rebar similar to what the fabricators do at the fabrication machine.

This is a simple visualizer but if there is a need for additional features we can look on how to make the BVBS Viewer better. The viewer is available for free download.

BuildingPoint Scandinavia is experienced with add-ons to realize the benefits from BIM. We know how to extract, link and sort data and can help you remove barriers between systems and make data flow efficiently. Contact us if you want to talk more!

FREE Download

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