Do you want to present at the IDEA StatiCa User Meetings?
Speakers wanted!
Are you an IDEA StatiCa user? We invite you to present at this year’s IDEA StatiCa User meetings! The user meetings are afternoon events across the Nordics where engineers share real-world applications of the software! You can read more about the event and see dates and locations here if you’ve missed it!
Why Present?
These meetings are built around user presentations. This is your chance to:
✔ Showcase your work to industry peers!
✔ Share challenges and solutions from your projects.
✔ Contribute to discussions on best practices in structural design.
Past speakers have included engineers from including Norconsult, AFRY, Rambøll, Moreld Apply, and KI Consulting Engineers, and more!
To see an example, watch this interview with Nuno Martins from KI Consulting Engineers, who shared his experience at last year’s event:
VIDEO: Short interview with Nuno Martins from KI Rådgivende Ingeniører who gave a great presentation at the 2024 IDEA StatiCa User Meeting.
Who can present, and WHAT to present?

We welcome structural engineers, connection designers, and other industry professionals using IDEA StatiCa!
There are no rules about what to present except that it should be something that gives insight into your experience as a user of IDEA StatiCa.
Whether it’s a unique project (like this), or an efficient technique, or a workflow improvement, or event your own personal dos-and-don’ts recommendations, your insights can benefit others!
And the BuildingPoint Scandinavia team are here to help you create a to-the-point and interesting presentation, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you are interested (form below!)
In our experience many companies also have an ambition to get exposure so it’s likely that your own communications responsible (or department, if you have that) will help you out!
Take the first step!
Let us know if you are interested in a spot on the agenda!
This is a great opportunity to highlight your work, engage with fellow engineers, and contribute to the conversation on structural design!
If you’re interested in presenting, just submit this form and we will contact you to handle the logistics!
Speaker slot request form: